Reflections on Democracy

Version 2

When I reflect on the man we call ‘president’ of the United States, I am very disillusioned and wonder what is happening to the United States’s democracy. The man talks, sounds and seems to think like an autocrat. After the election, an acquaintance, I see when taking a walk on the boulevard by the harbor, was thrilled and began a rant ~ my response ~ ‘Well, I hope he doesn’t ‘sell us down the river’. Hmm ~ now feel,  in less than 1oo days, that just might be happening.

Have done what I can ~ contacting senators, state representatives, sent letters ~ next is a post card ~ yet I feel alone floating on top of an iceberg and constantly feeling the ‘need to know’ and then flipping to ‘I can not stand any more of this man’s inept behavior.’ The latest being barring certain medias from one of his conferences and allowing in others. This is America? Land of the Free? Home of the Brave? Can this be happening here. Yes, ‘Dorothy’ it IS happening. 

I want a new President one I can respect, believe, to guide us down a healthy democratic path. What do you want? What do you think will happen? Could happen? The ‘Emperor has no worthwhile clothes on.’ Even little children are reflecting and asking questions. What will be the answer? I am still reflecting.

‘Sometimes, carrying on, just carrying on is the superhuman achievement.’

~ Albert Camus





Reflections on Mother Nature

Feb 1st Storm – Version 2

I sit here in the midst of a Winter storm about to arrive and am reflecting on experiencing the power going out for 10 secs and then returning. I do have a generator, gratefully, as I am not fond of being in the darkness alone with my Yorkie and with a major pending snowstorm due to arrive tonight. Amazing how storms can be a ‘great awakener.’

I rather enjoy my solitude most of the time. Especially, when I have been out socializing. I once read in a book entitled IDLE THOUGHTS OF AN IDLE FELLOW that ‘idleness is only good when it is stolen.’ How true, as I am not a hermit and don’t want to be. Yet, life has ‘dealt the cards’ and I must work them and continue to make a life of my own. Fortunately, gratefully, I have arrived in my later years having had 3 major loves in my life and a son  as a product of one of those relationships and much else to treasure. All three are in the ‘nether world’ and yet their memories warm my heart. Now, I am enjoying the peaceful life I have. I choose what I want to do, with whom I spend my time and where that time is spent.

Yet, when the power went out it gave a jolt of ‘oh, no’ not this and then generator kicked in or power came on itself ~ Relief. It is one thing to choose to meditate with eyes closed and let the thoughts come and go; quite another to have it forced upon one for hours and have to sit in darkness, read by candlelight or find others things to do.  So hopefully, that generator is working properly. How spoiled we have become with all the ‘toys’ we can entertain ourselves if we have electricity? Don’t you think we might need the Environmental Protection Agency to protect our electricity and natural resources?

‘Change is the one constant in life.’ You can count on it. With the USA election results, I do believe as Betty Davis said in her movie NOW VOYAGER’ ~ ‘Fasten your seat belts, we are in for a rough ride. Enough major change for now, thanks.

‘The happiness of all lives is a busy solitude.’ ~ Voltaire



Reflection on Boundaries

Version 2We all need individual boundaries for our mind, body and spirit. Healthy boundaries give one a strong sense of self and safety and ability to interact with others. Most people have good boundaries and are comfortable interacting socially.  There are those who for whatever reason are more isolated and choose not to interact much socially.  Where is the balance? Only an individual can choose provided they are of sound mind and not suffering from some pathology. 

There are many life situations and differences in personalities that elicit a need for excessive boundaries. It is a way to protect one from being hurt or threatened because of insecurity. So too are there ways to heal from life’s ‘curve balls ‘that we all deal with at sometime in journeying on our path.Yet, most of us don’t build a moat around ourselves or our castle.

Thus, my reflection is on wondering why our country would need to build ‘walls,’ ‘boundaries to keep out other  people? Have travel bans on special groups of people to keep them out? Yes, monitor closely those coming in and out of the country. Isolate? I think not. Our Statue of Liberty is an icon welcoming others from other cultures. They bring new ideas and expand our country. We are all immigrants, except for Native Americans, who have suffered needlessly and continue to be treated abusively. When does bigotry stop and where does it end? No pipelines, please, you can’t drink oil. No walls, the people are taxed enough ~ Billionaires have no financial concerns~ they have so much money they could end poverty if it wasn’t for their own greed. Walls? Use them appropriately to keep the ocean from consuming the earth, to keep people safe but not because one wants to isolate us from the rest of the world. Yes, good , healthy boundaries,  make good neighbors ~ not a prison.