an artist reflects on living ~

critters83Bird in the tree outside overlooking deck

I love watching the birds and nature and reflecting on how it all makes so much more sense than any societal creation. There is balance in the wilds and yes, perhaps, it is the ‘survival of the fittest.’ In many ways this is true of society.

Right now, though, everything feels out of balance in our society from the top down. Nature continues its way ~ yet ~ if something isn’t done about climate change there just might be no one surviving. I go day by day and make some future plans personally. I have stopped ‘being on top’ of the ‘craziness’ as I do believe it will play itself out and am trusting that ‘our best and brightest’ will fix it.

I am on the ‘downward spiral’ of my life and not a lot of time left. So I am always trying to discern what is the best use of my time. Of course, if I don’t take care of myself, then I will not be able to take care of anyone or anything else.

Healthy selfishness, I suppose, you could describe it. Have found it to be a ‘truism’. So I am being responsible to myself which is all anyone can do. Responsible  ~ the ability to respond ~ grateful that I have the ability to choose how I respond. Not always accurate responses but all part of the human condition. Mainly, ‘to do what is right for me and for the highest good of all concerned.’

Imagine how lovely life could be if everyone found their niche like this little bird in the above photo and lived peacefully with each other. I can only hope.