Reflection on Strength

Reflecting on strength brings to mind this tree below ~ Trees are rooted and grounded and whatever the weather brings to it ~ it maintains strength and flexibility. Taoists write about the need to be one with nature and to be  aware each moment and be still within despite the chaos around. Nature offers  many examples of how to be ‘one with your self’  and nature ~ as society is not the only answer ~ being your own best friend, yes having friends as well, yet to be truly comfortable within your own body, mind and spirit. My strength comes from my life experience with nature, life’s issues, family, friends and my little Yorkshire Terrier. Like the tree I love to take time to be out in nature in all seasons; although autumn is my favorite ~ Hope you are enjoying the golden, orange and red leaves surrounding us these days as the wind whips them around us. Embracing us with the universal energy of nature. Standing tall like the tree ~ strong and one with nature. Till next time; savoring the moments in nature.


I have known this tree since  a young child and it still speaks to me.

More Reflections from an artist


Calm before the Storm ~ Cape Ann MA harbor

Reflecting on nature’s messages when one is aware ~


I have learned to watch the sky and the ocean and find that they are great predictors of what weather is to come soon. Now, wouldn’t it be great if I could be so aware of my mind, body and spirit and be able to predict what is happening and about to happen soon.

Sometimes I am able to do this ~ As Taoism indicates with the ‘wheel of life’ concept, one can usually expect to experience a low after a high ~ maybe not immediately. As life consists of cycles ~ Ever changing moments ~ Key is to prevent the highs and lows from being too dramatic ~ detaching and just being and doing. All coming back to ‘balance’. Sometimes, I feel I am ‘right on’ and then suddenly I get into an old habit of ‘negative’ thinking with my ‘monkey mind’ taking over. At that point, I have learned to take a deep breath and be grateful for where I am and that I have all I need or want. I am where I am suppose to be ~ Not in yesterday, not in ‘missing something’ and feeling inadequate ~ but feeling ‘good enough’ ~ accepting me for me. Ah, yes, it is good to be me. Grateful for all ~ the yin and of it all. Life is good. I exist ~ I am ~ I am wise, love and peace. Let it be.


Reflection: Balance

Change is the one constant of life. Balance is the harmony derived from being centered and grounded within one’s higher self, despite the upheavals in daily life.  At each stage of life one is required to respond to whatever the Universe delivers. Nearing the final stage of life brings with it spiritual, mental, emotional and physical issues. Hopefully, one has become wise and will know how to accept or change what needs attention. Trusting, listening to  in the higher self not anyone else. I am ~ I exist ~ I am wise, love and peace.




medical world rules

yet the body knows its self

mother nature plays.

~ carol l mckenna

Returning ~ to Reflect



Returning in my ‘vintage truck’ to continue further reflections on life.

Been Awhile ~ this blog has been sorely neglected as ‘life happens’ ~ So here I am sailing on to continue reflecting. What am I reflecting on today? How to live life well and to do  my best. Perhaps, some of you have reached that stage of ‘the other side of the hill’ and wonder what to do with time, which is the gift we have been given. We start aging at ‘birth’ and then in a ‘blink’ time has flown by and now it is the ‘final act.’ How to best play it out. Anyone at this time of life? I wonder what you are doing and hope you are healthy and able to do, as well as be ~ in a much more mindful and gentle way. Would love to hear what you are doing each day ~ each week ~ partnered or alone? Grand children or not?  Will return tomorrow with some more reflections. xox

As for me ~ I am healthy, walking with my dog, Zoe, meditating, doing yoga, journalling writing haiku, doing photography, some painting, seeing friends, family (very small) and taking care of the house which always needs attention, enjoying nature and reflecting on what else I might be doing to enhance my creative soul. Maybe I am doing enough and need to ‘be’ more? ~ Namaste. Carol



Fall pumpkins at local apple orchard. One of nature’s gems.



My ‘gem’ Ms. Zoe ~ little adventurist on the beach ~ one of our favorite places.

Hope to hear from you soon ~ enjoy ~ xox