Reflections on Thanksgiving Holiday


And the Snow came!

Gratitude for Each Day

I find myself reflecting on this recent past holiday. The United States is big on holidays and sometimes they become too commercially focused. Things, stuff, rather than the importance of people, pets and nature which is really what is important. Without the people, pets and a healthy environment, life loses its richness.

Consequently, I am grateful each morning for my good health, my dog, my family and friends. Because of death of loved ones, I have cleaned out one too many houses and thus, now wonder and reflect on, ‘why did I or someone else’ think they needed so many ‘things’ in their house, apartment, townhouse. I can’t take anything with me when I leave this planet and don’t really need much to live ~ Pets, people and nature.

Wonder what you think? Or does it not matter to you? Maybe you are busy shopping and that’s okay too.

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Grateful for today ~ the ‘good, bad and the ugly.’


Black and White Photography

Precious Moment

Reflecting daily and this photo speaks to me of the balance of light in my life, the subtleties of life, the depth of each moment. I am a human who is being ‘in the light’. Sometimes I am very conscious and ‘in the moment’ ~ photography certainly allows me to be in that ‘moment’ and realizing how fleeting the moment is. To meditate on what I see through the lens and then to ‘click’ and have a visual to reflect back to me. Life, the gift of precious moments. 

An Artist Reflects





Seem to be in a ‘transitional state’ ~ reflecting on moving forward, yet, before I do so I need to be more like my ‘little assistant’ below and explore the territory and weed out what is unnecessary (like her dry food ~ she will eat the cooked chicken and then literally toss the dry food out of her dish). Much like weeding the chaff from the wheat, I think. It is all an ongoing process. So I continue to explore with my photography and haiku. Painting on silk is what I have just started to learn and am sure it will also teach me much about myself. Ever experience these types of feelings? I bet you have. Want to share?





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Friday Photo Journal

Black and White Weekend

‘You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give’. ~ Kahlil Gibran