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America has been beautiful, not perfect, but a wonderful country. I want it to stay as amazing as it has been as well as increase the quality we have had a history of being. We have progressed led by our democratic leadership and beliefs. Now, it is changing, not for the better. 

I watched the Inauguration so that I might hear first hand the Presidential speech. It was a speech of an  aging hippie repeating his campaign rhetoric and speaking not presidentially but more like a twelve year old would. At the risk of sounding myself like that ‘twelve year old’ ~ I was disgusted. I am appalled that my fellow Americans would choose such an individual for President. Yes, perhaps, Clinton would have been more of the ‘same old’  and many people seemed to want a change. Well, they certainly have it coming. Change is the one constant in life.   Sometimes, though, that ‘old shoe’ may not be good for the foot but a radical ‘new shoe’ may be even worse for the foot. Don’t think Trump is going to bring healthy changes.

Yes, we have one hundred days to see what comes of this new President. It will be a long one hundred days and I fear it may be the start of the  downfall of our country. What more does he need to do before people and his fellow politicians see this Trump person for what he is? 

I could ‘rant’ on and on ~ Suffice it to say ~ I don’t think ‘there is any meat under those feathers.’

Or maybe his daughter will show her father the way and do well for us.??????