Reflection on Boundaries

Version 2We all need individual boundaries for our mind, body and spirit. Healthy boundaries give one a strong sense of self and safety and ability to interact with others. Most people have good boundaries and are comfortable interacting socially.  There are those who for whatever reason are more isolated and choose not to interact much socially.  Where is the balance? Only an individual can choose provided they are of sound mind and not suffering from some pathology. 

There are many life situations and differences in personalities that elicit a need for excessive boundaries. It is a way to protect one from being hurt or threatened because of insecurity. So too are there ways to heal from life’s ‘curve balls ‘that we all deal with at sometime in journeying on our path.Yet, most of us don’t build a moat around ourselves or our castle.

Thus, my reflection is on wondering why our country would need to build ‘walls,’ ‘boundaries to keep out other  people? Have travel bans on special groups of people to keep them out? Yes, monitor closely those coming in and out of the country. Isolate? I think not. Our Statue of Liberty is an icon welcoming others from other cultures. They bring new ideas and expand our country. We are all immigrants, except for Native Americans, who have suffered needlessly and continue to be treated abusively. When does bigotry stop and where does it end? No pipelines, please, you can’t drink oil. No walls, the people are taxed enough ~ Billionaires have no financial concerns~ they have so much money they could end poverty if it wasn’t for their own greed. Walls? Use them appropriately to keep the ocean from consuming the earth, to keep people safe but not because one wants to isolate us from the rest of the world. Yes, good , healthy boundaries,  make good neighbors ~ not a prison.


2 thoughts on “Reflection on Boundaries

  1. Nice photo with the reflection. All that is happening is definitely making us do a lot of reflecting, comparing, wondering… While we yearn for the moderation of your words.


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