an artist reflects

Clouds over Cape Ann MA

Artists like to ponder and mull over their thoughts, I guess. Using the left side of the brain is a little bit different than the right side where creativity is expressed. So here I am again reflecting. 

Life is a gift. To live each day well. Find the sacred in the ordinary. It is where most of us live if we are not in power positions and or extremely wealthy. Each path is filled with the positive and negative, yin and yang, hills and valleys. Like the boat in the distance in my photo, keep a steady course and eye on the destination point. Ride the waves and enjoy the journey. Know when to find a safe port in the storm. That safe place is always within the self no matter where you are on your journey. You are the one who is in control of your direction.  What will you choose today?

Love and light,

C & Z


an artist reflects on perspecitve


Perspective ~ Always trying to keep my life in perspective. Is it easy? Sometimes. Other times I feel my brain is ‘out in left field somewhere. It has been a journey like most people’s a road with ‘bumps’ ~ other times a smooth ride. 

Right now, I am dealing with some difficulties. I was given medication for a voice tremor over 20 years ago and now my body seems to be rejecting the medication. Detoxing is not a fun time. Combine that with the ‘aging factor’ and being single I try my best to rise above any fear and or anxiety. I practice morning meditation, walk, create, write haiku, do photography, do yoga as ways to alleviate any stress factors. Keeping it all in perspective can be difficult. This photo helps with linear perspective and could be a metaphor on the road of life. Step by step reaching goals with the knarly gremlins being the trees to the side of the bridge. Nothing in life really goes in a straight line. It is all about change. Every moment is change. Learning to ‘go with the flow’ as they say. I do have a tendency to forget that I am a ‘work in progress’ ~ only will be fixed when life is over. 

So onward and upward soaring through the skies of life. Gather the strength and courage to work through my fears and  live each day well. Keeping my perspective.

Love and light,

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an artist reflects on living ~

critters83Bird in the tree outside overlooking deck

I love watching the birds and nature and reflecting on how it all makes so much more sense than any societal creation. There is balance in the wilds and yes, perhaps, it is the ‘survival of the fittest.’ In many ways this is true of society.

Right now, though, everything feels out of balance in our society from the top down. Nature continues its way ~ yet ~ if something isn’t done about climate change there just might be no one surviving. I go day by day and make some future plans personally. I have stopped ‘being on top’ of the ‘craziness’ as I do believe it will play itself out and am trusting that ‘our best and brightest’ will fix it.

I am on the ‘downward spiral’ of my life and not a lot of time left. So I am always trying to discern what is the best use of my time. Of course, if I don’t take care of myself, then I will not be able to take care of anyone or anything else.

Healthy selfishness, I suppose, you could describe it. Have found it to be a ‘truism’. So I am being responsible to myself which is all anyone can do. Responsible  ~ the ability to respond ~ grateful that I have the ability to choose how I respond. Not always accurate responses but all part of the human condition. Mainly, ‘to do what is right for me and for the highest good of all concerned.’

Imagine how lovely life could be if everyone found their niche like this little bird in the above photo and lived peacefully with each other. I can only hope.




an artist reflects on life

transition – Version 2.jpg

LIFE ~ as it is ~ I have learned to work with ‘what is’ . That does not always mean I am  ‘resistant’ or ‘passive’. What it does mean is that I try to find a way to ‘be in the moment’ do my best with it. I and all of us have that choice. We can choose to be miserable because our leader is so frustrating or we can live life well despite the situation. We can also ‘resist’ and be a bit more proactive if that is called for with some situations.

The photo above was the catalyst that initiated my thinking about life and  a phrase from Alcoholics Anonymous ~ an acronym ~ F E A R ~ translated to ‘False Evidence Appearing Real came to mind. What appears most real in this photograph to me at first is the very fine branches that appear to not be bearing fruit and do not seem very attractive ~ yet I find them beautiful. Juxtaposed with the thin branches is the full frilly white leaves appearing more healthy and, perhaps, is like a ‘gestalt’ ~ what do you see first?. My grandmother frequently had another phrase ~ ‘All that glitters is not Gold’ so I learned at a rather young age to see and hear the beauty that was real despite what might be the most shiny or loudest around me. 

In life I see the beauty in both the thin brown branches and the frilly golden like branches. Yet I would prefer the simplicity of the ‘thin brown branches’ over the other. I find in life I am drawn to the beauty of ‘simplicity’ whether in words, photos, clothes, people or any object or situation. I look for the real, the solid, the truth, especially in a person. As I ageI am  becoming more and more selective in how I spend my time, my energy and who I spend that time with is significant to me as well.

When the United States election results came out the next morning after I had gone to bed with the thought Clinton would win, I was appalled ~ I still am. The difference is now I don’t waste my energy on his verbiage by reading everything that is reported. It all seems so unreal that I have my own conflict of the ‘need to know’ and the need to have a peaceful day.  I do what I can to resist this ‘nut case’ and his cohorts and am deeply concerned with it all. Yet, I am going have hope that ‘this too shall pass’ and quickly. Hopefully, a real leader  will arise and America will be healthy again and real ~ not perfect ~ real. Definitely not ‘frilly’ with no substance.






Reflecting ~ shadwp


Me, Myself and I 


Wondering ~ I am one with myself ~ need few people in my life. I am not anti-social as I do socialize with groups, friends, family. My main companions, though, are myself and my Yorkie. I wonder, I wander, I create yet, detaching more and more at times from society’s shoulds and invitations. I rely more on Tao and trusting in what nature offers. Society is that ‘normal curve’ to me where clusters or wolf packs of people gather and behave more like times of ‘high school’ than ‘adult hood’ ~ offering me little in depth of relationships. I have had 3 significant long term male relationships that I experienced love and learning from each time. They are deceased now and it is difficult to find the sophistication of those relationships. Have also reached a point in my life that I have ‘been there, done that’ ~ fulfillment at its best. Not sure that I need another ‘significant’ one.

So I wonder ~ what is next? Well what is next is ‘Now’ ~ moment by moment.’ Being and doing and always keeping in mind ‘simplicity’ ~ Essence of anything is simplicity and it is beautiful. 




Essence of Simplicity


I see you there

Our world is no different

mother nature rules.

© carol l mckenna

Again, I choose ‘simplicity’ of the moment whether in words, poetry, painting or living.

I wonder what do you choose, friend?


Reflection on Strength

Reflecting on strength brings to mind this tree below ~ Trees are rooted and grounded and whatever the weather brings to it ~ it maintains strength and flexibility. Taoists write about the need to be one with nature and to be  aware each moment and be still within despite the chaos around. Nature offers  many examples of how to be ‘one with your self’  and nature ~ as society is not the only answer ~ being your own best friend, yes having friends as well, yet to be truly comfortable within your own body, mind and spirit. My strength comes from my life experience with nature, life’s issues, family, friends and my little Yorkshire Terrier. Like the tree I love to take time to be out in nature in all seasons; although autumn is my favorite ~ Hope you are enjoying the golden, orange and red leaves surrounding us these days as the wind whips them around us. Embracing us with the universal energy of nature. Standing tall like the tree ~ strong and one with nature. Till next time; savoring the moments in nature.


I have known this tree since  a young child and it still speaks to me.

Returning ~ to Reflect



Returning in my ‘vintage truck’ to continue further reflections on life.

Been Awhile ~ this blog has been sorely neglected as ‘life happens’ ~ So here I am sailing on to continue reflecting. What am I reflecting on today? How to live life well and to do  my best. Perhaps, some of you have reached that stage of ‘the other side of the hill’ and wonder what to do with time, which is the gift we have been given. We start aging at ‘birth’ and then in a ‘blink’ time has flown by and now it is the ‘final act.’ How to best play it out. Anyone at this time of life? I wonder what you are doing and hope you are healthy and able to do, as well as be ~ in a much more mindful and gentle way. Would love to hear what you are doing each day ~ each week ~ partnered or alone? Grand children or not?  Will return tomorrow with some more reflections. xox

As for me ~ I am healthy, walking with my dog, Zoe, meditating, doing yoga, journalling writing haiku, doing photography, some painting, seeing friends, family (very small) and taking care of the house which always needs attention, enjoying nature and reflecting on what else I might be doing to enhance my creative soul. Maybe I am doing enough and need to ‘be’ more? ~ Namaste. Carol



Fall pumpkins at local apple orchard. One of nature’s gems.



My ‘gem’ Ms. Zoe ~ little adventurist on the beach ~ one of our favorite places.

Hope to hear from you soon ~ enjoy ~ xox




Through the lens Cape Ann MA  ~ cold, cold, cold! Tis January and in August it will be hot, hot, hot. Weather, mother nature, day by day how it can effect one’s being. Walks in the cold air are invigorating and not real conducive to photographing; yet, beauty abounds and hands are numb yet the photo is produced. 

The light has changed on Cape Ann MA ~ how does one describe the light ~ perhaps you can see it in this photo. Since, at least 6 years old, if not before, I have been a  ‘seeker’ and now know the light, the energy, the spirit is all within and around me. Even you the reader are connected ~ We are all connected. And I am rambling ~ Peace and heart light to you ~ namaste, xxx

that’s all folks’

A Moment Through the Lens


As Minor White,  photographer until his death in 1976,  is once quoted as saying ‘No matter how slow the film Spirit stands still long enough for the photographer it has chosen.’

I do believe that this random ‘visitor’ to my deck has ‘posed’ sometimes for me until I got the creative shot I wanted. As a student of Taoism, I feel that even inanimate objects have spirit energy. Certainly, this beautiful Cape Ann MA gull has a strong Spirit.

I think that the former owner of my home used to feed him and leave water ~ I no longer do so and sometimes feel badly but having a little dog that likes to chase it away and there being many sea gulls ‘in town’ don’t want to get into the habit of feeding. Yet, the gull continues to come for brief visits; well onto five years now. Didn’t think that gulls ‘shape  shifted’ but perhaps they do and it is a ‘Spirit’ watching over me. Isn’t that a lovely thought? Hmm, Life is filled with essence and surprises and gifts. This gull is a gift.

Wishing you many spiritual gifts each moment. xxx

‘that’s all folks’